Friday 3 May 2013

Where does all of my time go?

Okay so this week (I'm counting up until Tuesday as this week as my dad is coming for a visit Saturday until Tuesday) I've managed to not tidy my craft room, not make any more cards, not finish Sophie's jumper and not get anything planned other than in my head. However I did do some casual cross stitching while I was at WARPS (war games and role play society) and I will eventually finish my first self designed biscornu.

Despite my apparent apathy I have finished the front and back of said jumper and been able to make a start on the sleeves. I may have also ordered more Spellbinders... But everyone needs an addiction. And I'm sure it works out cheaper than smoking...

Anyway I'm so far 39 rows and just under a third of the length up the first sleeve and I'm working away steadily, hoping to have all of the knitting done by Sunday.

Got another order from Natty today, she's ordered some bunting for her student accommodation next year. She's certainly keeping me busy :)

Anyway here's picture of the sleeve progress.

Here's hoping my blogs become better written and more frequent... But that would require me to do something productive every day....

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