Thursday 25 April 2013

Positive but deflated

My first craft fair did not go as well as I had hoped, but still better than expected. After paying £10 for the pitch I in the end made £15. The students did not seem very receptive but there were many positive noises made by visitors and staff and I have booked myself in for the next one On the 20th of May and I will have business cards Which will hopefully lead to more sales.

Next time I am hoping to have more sewn and stitched items and make more profit.

This week I got a new leatherette office chair for using with my sewing machine which is very comfortable but unfortunately the cottons I'm using need lighter needles which I cannot get until tomorrow, so I cannot have a manic sewing session until then.

Ever since I learned how to truly appreciate a sewing machine I have had a great deal of affection and a great affinity with free motion stitching and appliqué. I could quite happily spend 6 or 7 hours straight at the sewing machine just doodling away; I'm hoping to use self designed textiles in cards and small gifts. And eventually home-wares. Something gives me the impression that oven gloves will sell well during freshers fair... I hope that I can actually get a stall during freshers week because I know that many girls will be wishing to brighten up their rooms in halls. The only cards I will be working on for next months stall will be male birthday and graduation ones. And possibly some fathers' day ones. But my main aim is to have more gift items.

I will make a full post about the fair when I can get on a computer so I can upload photographs from my camera. It may not have gone as well as planned but I'm remaining positive and hope to have more success in the future.

Long story short,next month: business cards, more gifts, more positive attitude.

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