Sunday 28 April 2013

Jump-er to it

After managing a reasonable amount of work on this project last night I feel I have regained my momentum. I'm also feeling intent on blogging every day about current projects even if it is just a status report rather than a unique item or tutorial.

Today has been a bit difficult as I've been a bit inattentive due to codine and my daughter pretending to be a kangaroo. Toddlers make life tricky, now I understand why most of the crafters I admire are older than myself with slightly older children. It's hard to fit craft around being a housewife and mother (I label myself as that as I am a wife who keeps house, though Matt does pull his weight most of the time bless him) especially when you're mother to a busy little girl who is intent on being an übermensch.

Anyway, my plans for this week are:
1. Wait on parcels. There are /I think/ five due to arrive this week.

2. Make Chris's birthday card from Natty, tutorial will be done for this. (I appreciate men's cards can be tricky)

3. Finish this jumper and hopefully start mine.

4. Do some textile work. (Either small pieces for cards or small gift items)

5. Make some mens' cards.

6. Some cross-stitch.

Anyway back on topic to Sophie's pullover. I'm about 20 something rows off of finishing the back, I have a mystery though... Somehow I have an odd number of stitches when I should have an even number... Hmm... I'll sort it easily enough but it's just mysterious. I'm hoping to have this done by the time we start playing D&D (Dungeons and Dragons, yes I am a genuine nerd and it's 3.5e in case anyone is wondering) tonight, if not by when we start by when we finish. Though I really don't want to be dealing with the pain in the butt that is picking up stitches with a houseful of people... Won't bore you with pictures of a half finished jummy in every post so here is a picture of my daughter instead.

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