Friday 1 April 2011

Eyes bigger than needles.

I need to re-establish my limits before embarking on large difficult pieces.

Today's challenge piece was going to be a moss stitch hat for my daughter, but I spent a lot of yesterday out and about because the weather was nice, windy but still nice. And the bloody thing is taking ages because the yarn keeps slipping off the needles. Hopefully I can get back to it later and get it done for tomorrow. That reminds me I need to find some ribbon for it...

Though I do have a saving grace, when I went to the local wool shop to look at patterns I was talking with the owner about how I have a hard time knitting flowers, so she gave me this really nice pattern for a knitted rose, so I'm going to throw one of those together and fit it on a broach mounting.

At least I have something complete for today :P

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