Thursday 31 March 2011

Going green.... well, every colour pretty much.

A few months ago I realised I had a problem.

I was a wool hoarder. And I kept buying more! To the point which the owner of my local wool shop is under orders not to sell me a gram of yarn until I can tell her I've finished my challenge and can fit all my wool in that one box again...

I decided this after the neat one box (admittedly a 90litre crate) storage system I had in place ceased to be of use, because it had overflowed into two work bags and another 3 carrier bags. Now the time had come to burn through my stash. So I sought inspiration and it came in the form of a friend's blog, she was doing a 30 day challenge based on jewellery.

So far I've lapsed once, but that was because when it comes to crochet, doing something that comes in 14 pieces isn't an efficient use of your time. Especially when you spend most of the day running around town hunting down paperwork, or looking for your scissors.

But I'm getting through it day by day, project by project and having fun along the way, and next week I'm even going to be teaching one of my friends how to knit :)

Also in my hour of boredom I decided to create a blog about my woolly adventures, which at the end will include a list of what I created and the weight of my remaining stash and some future projects.